Thursday, 19 March 2009

Brooklyn Birding

I have just arrived back from a week in Brooklyn, during which I was lucky enough to go birding in Prospect Park most mornings before breakfast. Temperatures were pretty low (close to freezing on some days) and the light was not that good for photography. But I had lots of fun and saw some great birds.

Thanks to the people at the Prospect Park Birding Blog for providing up-to-date sightings which whetted my appetite before I arrived. What a great local patch to have!

I have only seen a handful of Winter Wrens in the USA, so finding this chap in the undergrowth was a real thrill (despite seeing them all the time in the UK).

Winter Wren

Winter Wren - dodgy photos - it was nearly dark!

Another highlight were the woodpeckers - four species seen - and in particular the absolutely tiny Downy Woodpeckers. They are becoming one of my favourite species! This pair were trying to find food inside some pretty thin grass stems - fascinating to watch a sparrow-sized woodpecker at work:

Downy Woodpecker (male) - what a great pose - but this is what happens when you change the white-balance setting on the camera by mistake!

Downy Woodpecker (male)

Downy Woodpecker (female)

The two common Sparrow species were Song and White-throated, both of which can be pretty birds:

White-throated Sparrow

Song Sparrow

and here are some other miscellaneous birds from the park.

American Robin

Pied-billed Grebe

Belted Kingfisher

Ring-billed Gull

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