Saturday 2 January 2010

Happy New Year

I found a Great Northern Diver at Sunderland South Dock on New Year's day. Some of us had been musing that this was a good potential site for divers to turn up, so it was nice to see a prediction come true.

On the same day, there was a remarkable southward passage of Skylarks. I counted 2610 in 70 minutes over the docks. The movement was most noticeable between the heavy snow showers but they kept coming no matter what, in flocks of up to 200 birds.

The accepted explanation for this appears to be that, in cold weather, birds move towards the coast and south.

Today there were much fewer Skylarks on the move but I did have a fly-over Snow Bunting and I managed to get a video of the Great Northern Diver using my new camcorder. This was taken at 70 x zoom and so the quality isn't too bad considering!


  1. Thanks Andrew, you've joined a very exclusive club ... people who have seen my blog !!!!

  2. You have some great pics down the right hand side of the page. Booted Eagle.....I would sure like to see one of them!
